Yellow Day Celebration

We celebrated yellow color day at our nursery on 21st April. All kids dressed up in yellow and bought different objects in yellow color to decorate the classes.

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World Teacher's Day

On World Teachers Day the children are very busy making lots of artwork for their teachers and walking around meeting the different teachers from other classes.

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World Animal Day

We celebrated world animal day in the nursery on 4th October 2022.

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Prophet Muhammad Birthday Celebration

Al Ain Juniors Nursery kids celebrated PROPHET MUHAMMED'S BIRTHDAY on 7th October 2022.

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First week of Nursery

Al Ain Juniors Nursery is a place where kids will learn to play, grow and flourish together. Children learn about the world through play during their first week at the nursery.

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Planting week - Gardening with preschoolers

Planting is a fun way to teach your children about the importance of trees. Planting a tree with your child is one of the best things you can ever do with them.

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